Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Reasons I am thankful and blessed to have my husband....

..He inspires to be a wonderful man of God...
..loves me(God only knows why LOL!!)...
..allows me to cuddle at any time - even if he's not feeling well...
..always tries to put others first and find a way to bless them...
..is a wonderful chef(much better than I)!!!...
..gave me a complement on my third attempt at a meal last night(major points scored)...
..does his own laundry and helps with cleaning the house(only because he does
a better job than I - still learning how he likes things done!)...
..has beautiful blue eyes and nice buns...
..draws me hot baths when I'm at home during the nights(I will enjoy this time while I can)...
..works hard everyday to supply for his family...
..tells me he loves me and thinks I'm beautiful(of course, this is a must in marriage)...

Of course these are only a few things about my wounderfully, handsome husband. Thank you, Josh, for being you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just in case I dont see you Wednesday PM at church, I hope you & that wonderful husband of yours have a very happy Thanksgiving! Im thankful for you and the blessing youve been to us! l luv ya both, crc