Who's bright ideal was it to go Christmas shopping in Denver on the weekend that it dumps 20inches on the mountains? OH, wait, that would be MINE!! We went to Denver on Friday to see Josh's mom and do some Christmas shopping over the weekend. The drive up was hairy!! Lots of ice, snow and of course don't forget the crazy drivers. In the mist of all the chaos there was a guy with the roof of his car down and a Santa Claus hat on!!!LOL!!!
I only went shopping for about fourty-five minutes on Saturday because I was sick all weekend(so much for a break). It was probably from being up for thirty-six hours(worked the night before) and not eating anything. Your body sure will tell you when it's had enough. I felt much better on Sunday for the ride home which was worse than Friday. I even kept my jacket over my eyes so I wouldn't have to watch. Anyways, we made it back safe and it was great spending time with Phyllis(they both took great care of me - THANK YOU).
Friday morning we went to Jinki's doctor appointment. I can't believe she's 35 weeks!! Come to find out the little turkey turned BREECH(butt down) on her!!!! So, of course she got the lecture on a possible c-section if he doesn't turn on his own or a version doesn't work. She is scared but I promised I'd be there and we'd find her a great OB to do the surgery, if needed. We are believing that he'll turn so she can deliver vaginally.
Tonight my handsome husband and I are going on a date night. Can you believe that we have to schedule a date night and we don't even have kids yet!! We are going to eat at the Thai restaurant in OM, Ying Tia. It's one of our favorite places. I'm so excited. Well better go finish getting ready.
How is Ying Tai? I haven't ever been there. Mmmm, it sure sounds yummy!
I am happy that God's angels were with you on your drive and you arrived both ways safely. I am sorry you were sick, but it made me feel good to take care of you. You are always taking care of everyone else. Love you, Mom
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