Tuesday, May 09, 2006

New Locks and some

Well I finally did it - actually about three weeks ago. I donated my hair to Locks for Love. Only about 11inches, but I cut off a foot and a half total!! It was scary at first, but well worth it. So here are a few before and afters.




Anonymous said...

b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l as always, after seeing yours I am thinking about doing the same (in the back). I have an appointment this saturday....we'll see!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, used the hair for fishing lures... I catch u fish instead!

Anonymous said...

Wait a sec here, did you give the photographer credit for these stunning shots?

sarahgrace said...

Very cute!!! I like it.

Anonymous said...

You are beautiful no matter the hair style. But I really like the "new" you.

pretendingsanity said...

Looks great!