Friday, December 15, 2006


Sorry, I know it has been a long while since I last blogged. Work has been crazy since July and every one has been working four to six twelves a week. Now, we have more staff and it looks like I'll actually get to see my husband again!!!YEAH!!!

In July after our anniversary Joshs mom, a friend from work - Zoe, and I went to the Central City Opera House to watch Don Giovonni. It was amazing. I think I found a hobby. Zoe and I already have plans to go this next July. We plan on staying at a B&B on Thursday and Friday night so we can tour the town Friday prior to the Opera and then catch the Saturday matinee.
In August Josh and I flew to Michigan and Ohio to see our dads. We spent my dads 50th Birthday at Cedar Point("The Roller Coaster Capital of the World"), of course.
While we were visiting my dad we received news that my Grandpa Houston had passed away(my moms dad)and that my Grandpa Weldon(my dads step-dad)had also passed away. We then went to Ohio to see Joshs dad.(Anyone catch the Ohio-Michigan game? Where was the Michigan defense???) We were able to visit Fort Miggs and where the Battle of Fallen Timbers took place. When we returned from vacation it was time for some friends to have their babies. Congrats to Jeremiah & Areil - little miss Zoe is absolutely beautiful and Congrats to Jake & Domenica - Judah is the happiest baby ever!!
September was a crazy month at work, oh, wait a minute, it was crazy all summer:>
October we went to Moab Gem & MIneral Show. Josh was able to be a dealer this year again. Our third annual show. THis is always a fun time together and Joshs parents were able to join us. We were able to eat at Pasa J's.
The first week of November we were able to go to Durango and visit our good friends Isaac & Jill. We had a blast and my husband was able to do a ride-a-long with Isaac.
I got braces!! Only on the top. I will get the bottom ones in February. I was scheduled to work Thanksgiving but was low censused(didn't have to work). We had dinner over at my moms.
And now it is December and almost gone. Most of our Christmas shopping is done and man, is my husband a hard person to shop for. Anyone else have this problem??

Sorry for all the jumble. Thought I'd do a quick summary. Don't know if it even makes since.
Maybe 2007 will be an easier year to keep up on the blogging.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh... you've resurected to the blogging world! YES! And you better take me to the opera sometime, I'm very jealous!

LOVE YOU, call me